Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Tree Life Extending Formula- Recipe Courtesy of the USDA Forest Service


When you get home, re-cut the end of the tree by 1 inch and let it stand in a bucket of the "Christmas Tree Life Extending Formula" (recipe below) until you’re ready to bring it indoors. Fill the tree stand reservoir twice a day (morning and evening) with the remaining mixture.

"Christmas Tree Life Extending Formula"

2 gals. of hot water
2 cups corn syrup
2 oz. liquid bleach
2 pinches epsom salts
1/2 tsp. borax
1 tsp. chelated iron (garden shop)

How does this "Christmas Tree Life Extending Formula" work?
The corn syrup provides sugar, which allows the tree to soak up a lot more water than it normally would. Without sugar, only a small amount of water is absorbed by the branches and needles. You can expect the tree to soak up 1-1/2 gallons of the recipe during the 10 to 14 day period your tree is up, which is about 800 percent more water than it would have absorbed growing in the forest.
The boron (in the borax) makes the water and sugar move to every needle of your tree. The epsom salts and chelated iron provide magnesium sulfate which helps chlorophyll production, keeping your needles green. Bleach stops mold from forming when water and sugar stand too long in the tree holder.